
No parent wants to raise average children. Every parent wants an extraordinary child that is excellent, happy and successful in future.

I would think the role of the parents is to train their children, giving them all that is required to become responsible citizens of Gods kingdom and a change maker in the world. However that is hardly the case, as many parents are frustrated with their children, afraid for them, uncertain about their future and helpless about what to do.

Children are nothing but the reflection of what you put in them, the quality of time, effort, resources and love you invest in them, nothing more. They are a reflection of who you are, the quality of investment you have invested in yourself over a long period of time as a parent. Children do not do or become what you say or wish, but who you are!

Bringing children into the world has consequences that can go on for the lifetime of the children even into the lives of their own children and children’s children. This is why a lot has to go in into learning how to raise them and not do it by chance. We may not have a second chance to do it right, so we must know exactly what to do.

You can be more knowledgeable, you can grow in your parenting skills, you can learn what most parents are not conscious of as regards raising exceptional children.
