

We all have a story.

Have you ever wondered why we all are different, why we react and think

and perceive differently? Yes, our unique personalities and genes are strong factors, but so also is our upbringing. Nurture is said to be stronger than nature, meaning a persons environment has a stronger effect than temperament in the formation of their personalities and character. We are all products of our upbringing and are formed by the influences of the strongest people in our lives.

Everyone is created at least twice, and for outstanding people, three times.

First by God at conception and second, by our parents or chief carers and the community we grow up in. For most people, it ends here, but for those who really become successful in life, I will say third, they are created or let’s say recreated by their own intentional and informed choices and decisions.

This book focuses on two point of views. The first being, our early programming and the second, our intentional programming by choice.
